Therefore when P > (fs)max, where (fs)max is the maximum magnitude of frictional force, the body will be in motion. When P = (fs)max, we call it as the case of impending motion or limiting condition.
So, on what factor does the maximum frictional force on a surface depend upon? Certainly, it doesn't depend upon the applied force, although frictional force depends upon the applied force, but how much will be the maximum value of friction entirely depends upon the surface and the geometry of that surface and the Normal reaction the surface produces to counter balance the weight of the body. Here, one should remember normal reaction depends upon the mass of the body and the inclination of the surface with horizontal.
So, Coulomb's Law of dry friction states that, when there is a body resting on a surface is subjected to an applied force P, the maximum frictional force that would be generated directly depends upon the value of Normal reaction experienced by the body.
(fs)max ∝ N
N = mg cos θ, where mg is the weight of the body and θ is the inclination angle of the plane with horizonal. For a flat plane N = mg.
(fs)max = µN
where µ is the proportionality constant and N is the normal reaction the body experiences from the surface.
Here the constant (µ) plays a vital role. On what factor does the constant mu depend upon? It has been observed that the value of (µ) is greatly affected by the roughness of the surface upon which the body rests. It's value is a combined property of the contact surface as well as the surface roughness of the body itself. If we replace the body with another body of same mass but different material the value of (µ) changes. Also, if we place the body upon a different surface then also the value of mu changes. So, the value of mu is such a property that defines the characteristics of friction between the body and the contact surface. Hence, it is aptly named as the coefficient of friction.
There are basically two types of Co-efficient of Friction.
- Co-efficient of Static Friction
- Co-efficient of Kinetic Friction
When a block of mass is at rest on a surface and a horizontal force P is applied on the body to move it, a frictional force will be there to oppose any movement of the body. This force will act on the contact surface. Normal reaction is also acting upward on the contact surface. So total force on the contact surface will be resultant of normal reaction and frictional force. The angle made by this resultant force with normal reaction is called the angle of friction.
The direction of a frictional force depends upon the tendency of movement.
Suppose we get two identical block of weight W in identical planes at angle α with horizontal as shown in the figure.
Due to the force component W.sin α acting downwards along the plane, the body will have a tendency to move downwards along the plane.
As the body would try to move downwards, a frictional force will be generated at the contact surface which would try to oppose the tendency to move downwards of the body, i.e., it would try to resist the downwards movement of the body. So, it will act upwards along the plane.
Normal reaction produced by the inclined surface at the contact point or area. The normal reaction will be equal and opposite the force component of the weight of the body at a perpendicular direction to the inclined plane hence, N = W cos α, where N is the normal reaction.
Now suppose we plane adjust the inclination of the plane, it means we can either increase or decrease the inclination of the plane. When the inclination is very small, the downward force component W sin α will be small and an equal magnitude frictional force will be produced and neutralize the downward force. Hence, the body will be at rest.
Now if we increase the inclination of the plane, the downward force component W sin α will increases too, and frictional force will also be increased. Gradually, a condition will arrive when the downward weight component becomes equal to the maximum frictional force generated on the contact surface. This is limiting condition and also known as impending motion. If we increase the inclination angle α by a small amount, the body will start to move downwards. The angle of the plane when the body is at limiting condition is known as angle of repose.
We can define angle of repose as the angle of the inclination of a plane when a body on the plane is at limiting condition of impending motion due to its self weight component along the inclined plane.
It is numerically equal to the angle of friction. It is denoted by (α).
It is an imaginary cone generated by revolving resultant reaction R about the normal reaction N. R is the resultant of the frictional force and normal reaction.
Properties of Cone of Friction:
- The radius of this cone represents the frictional force (fs)max.
- The semi apex angle of the cone represents the angle of friction.
- For co-planar forces, in order for motion not to occur the reaction R must be within the cone of friction.