Showing posts with label modulus of elasticity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label modulus of elasticity. Show all posts

Friday, 6 July 2012



When a material is subjected to an external force, it will either totally comply with that force and be pushed away, like a liquid or powder, or it will set up internal forces to oppose those applied from outside. Solid materials generally act rather like a spring – when stretched or compressed, the internal forces come into play, as is easily seen when the spring is released.

A material subjected to external forces that tend to stretch it is said to be in tension, whereas forces which squeeze the material put it in compression.

An important aspect is not so much the size of the force, as how much force is applied per unit of cross-sectional area. The term ‘stress’, symbol σ (Greek letter sigma), is used for the force per unit area, and has the units of pascals (Pa) with 1Pa being one newton per square metre.

Because the reference area is so large, it is normally necessary to use high multiples such as the megapascal (MPa = 106 Pa) and gigapascal (GPa = 109 Pa). However, when we bear in mind that, in electronics, the area over which forces are applied is generally very much smaller, it is useful to keep in mind that one MPa is equivalent to a force of 1 newton applied on a square millimetre of area.


A material in tension or compression changes in length, and the change in length compared to the original length is referred to as the ‘strain’, symbol ε (Greek letter epsilon). Since strain is a ratio of two lengths it has no units and is frequently expressed as a percentage: a strain of 0.005 corresponds to a ½% change of the original length.


As you know from a spring, if you gradually stretch it, the force needed increases, but the material springs back to its original shape when the force is released. Materials which react in the same way as a spring are said to be ‘elastic’. Typically if we measure the extension of different forces and plot the graph of this, we will find that the extension is proportional to the force applied. Materials that obey Hooke’s Law exhibit a linear relationship between the strain and the applied stress (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Stress-strain graph for an elastic solid

Many metals follow Hooke’s Law until a certain level of stress has been applied, after which the material will distort more severely. The point at which straight line behaviour ceases is called the limit of proportionality: beyond this the material will not spring back to its original shape, and is said to exhibit some plastic behaviour (Figure 2). The stress at which the material starts to exhibit permanent deformation is called the elastic limit or yield point.

Figure 2: Stress-strain graph for a typical metal

As Figure 2 shows, if the stress is increased beyond the yield point the sample will eventually break. The term (ultimate) tensile strength is used for the maximum value of tensile stress that a material can withstand without breaking, and is calculated at the maximum tensile force divided by the original cross-sectional area.

Note that there may be substantial differences between the stress at the yield point and on breaking – for example, one source quotes the ‘ultimate tensile strength’ for AISI304 stainless steel as 505 MPa, and the ‘yield tensile strength’ as 215 MPa. For most engineering purposes, metals are regarded as having failed once they have yielded, and are normally loaded at well below the yield point.

With some materials, including mild steel, the stress/strain graph shows a noticeable dip beyond the elastic limit, where the strain (the effect of the load) increases without any need to increase the load. The material is said to have ‘yielded’, and the point at which this occurs is the yield point. Materials such as aluminium alloys on the other hand don’t show a noticeable yield point, and it is usual to specify a ‘proof’ test. As shown in Figure 3, the 0.2% proof strength is obtained by drawing a line parallel to the straight line part of the graph, but starting at a strain of 0.2%.

Figure 3: Stress-strain graph for an aluminium alloy


As you will appreciate from the shapes of Figure 2 and Figure 3, the slope of the stress/strain graph varies with stress, so we generally take only the slope of the initial straight-line portion. The stress/strain ratio is referred to as the modulus of elasticity or Young’s Modulus. The units are those of stress, since strain has no units. Engineering materials frequently have a modulus of the order of 109Pa, which is usually expressed as GPa.