Showing posts with label objectives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label objectives. Show all posts

Monday, 22 November 2010

Sub: Engineering Mechanics, Sub Code: EME-202,
Semester: 2nd Sem, Course: B.Tech,


Sub Code: EME - 102 /201
B.Tech First Semester (all branch)
University: UPTU (GBTU), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh


Q1) If the coefficients of friction of an inclined plane be (1/√3), then the angle of repose of the plane will be
a) 90° b) 60° c) 45° d)30°

Q2) Three forces of equal magnitude acts along the side of an equilateral triangle, then the body will be in
a) static equilibrium                                 b) dynamic equilibrium
c) translational motion                             d) rotational motion.

Q3) (1/2).E.e² is called
a) total strain energy                                  b) resilience
c) dynamic loading energy                          d) none of this

Q4) The ratio of shear stress and shear strain is known as,
a) modulus of elasticity                                      b) poissons' ratio
c) modulus of rigidity                                         d) bulk modulus

Q5) The bending moment curves generated by UVL is,
a) parabolic                                          b) straight line
c) cubic                                                d) constant

Q6) The centroidal moment of inertia of a quarter circle lamina is
a) 0.11r4                                              b) 0.05r4
c) 0.4242r4                                          d) 0.5868r4

Q7) The Point of Contraflexure is a point in the beam where
a) shear force is zero                        
b) bending moment is zero
c) bending moment is zero and it changes sign
d) none of these

Q8) If a body of mass M is moving with an acceleration (a) then the Inertial Force on the body is equals to
a) -Ma          b) Ma        c) |Ma|     d) none of these

Q9) A truss is made of seven linkages and five joints, then the truss is
a) deficient                                              b) redundant
c) perfect                                                d) none of these

Q10) A beam has 3 no.s of supports is known as
a) cantilever beam
b) continuous beam
c) overhanging beam
d) simply supported beam


Q1) The maximum value of frictional force that comes into play when a body tends to move on a surface called:
a) sliding friction,                                   b) limiting friction,
c) milling friction,                                   d) none of these.

2) The ratio of static friction to dynamic friction is:
a) less than 1,                                      b) equal to 1,
c) greater than 1,                                 d) none of these.

3) The angle of friction is equal to the:
a) ratio of frictional force to the normal reaction.
b) angle of inclined plane when a body tends to slide down.
c) angle of an inclined plane when a body is sliding.
d) none of these.

Q.4) A particle is moving along a circle with constant speed. The acceleration of the particle is:
a. along the circumference                      b. along the tangent
c. along the radius                                 d. zero

Q.5) The area moment of inertia of a quarter circle of radius (r) about the centroidal
axes is
a. (0.055r2)                                        b. (0.11r2)/3
c. (πr2)/4                                           d. π.r2

Q.6) The centroid of a semi circular area of radius r is
a. (r, 3r/4π )                                      b. ( r, 2r/π)
c. (r/π, r)                                           d. (r, r/2π)

Q.7) In the truss analysis, if the no. of linkages is 12 and the no. of joints is 7, then
a. perfect truss                            b. redundant truss
c. deficient truss                          d. indeterminate truss

Q.8) When shear force is zero at a point in a beam, bending moment at a certain point is,
a. zero                                                 b. maximum
c. minimum                                          d. increasing

Q.9) The mass moment of inertia of a solid sphere of mass M and radius R about an diameter of the sphere will be
a. (1/5).M.R2              b. (2/5).M.R4           c. (2/5).M.R2       d. (1/5).M.R4

Q.10) In a simply supported beam of length L, a concentrated load W acts at the mid span, the maximum bending moment would be
a. W.L/4                                                   b. W.L2
c. W.L/2                                                   d. 0


Q1) A couple can be balanced by
a) a direct Force                                    b) a moment
c) a torque                                            d) an equal and opposite couple.

Q2) Opening a Cold drinks bottle, one has to apply
a) a moment                                            b) a torque
c) parallel forces                                      d) a couple

Q3) A truss is said to be plane truss if
a) all the members lies in one plane
b) any two members lies in one plane
c) all the members are perpendicular to one plane
d) none of these

Q4) The ratio of frictional force normal reaction is called
a) angle of repose
b) angle of friction
c) limiting friction
d) coefficient of friction

Q5) Yielding means
a) elastic deformation
b) plastic deformation
c) fatigue failure
d) shear failure

Q6) The force required to move a body up an inclined plane will be least when the angle of inclination is:
a) equal to friction angle,
b) greater than friction angle,
c) less than friction angle,
d) none of these.

Q7) In a cantilever beam loaded with a point load at the free end, has maximum bending moment,

(i) free end,                                            (ii) fixed end,
(iii) at the mid span,                                (iv) none of the above.

Q8) An idealized truss can only be loaded at
a) only at the mid point of the linkages
b) only at the joints
c) both at the mid points and joints
d) none of the above

Q9) UTM can be used to find
a) Modulus of Elasticity
b) compressive breaking strength
c) ultimate tensile strength
d) all of the above

||| the question paper is made by subhankar karmakar, 2011 |||

Q10) Bulk Modulus is defined as the ratio between
(i) linear stress and strain,                 (ii) shear stress and strain,
(iii) volumetric stress and strain,        (iv) none of the above.


Q.1 Answer the following questions as per the instructions 2x20=20

Choose the correct answer of the following Questions:

(i) The magnitudes of the force of friction between two bodies, one lying above the another depends upon the roughness of the
(a) Upper body                               (b) Lower body
(c) Both the body                           (d) The body having more roughness

(ii) The moment of inertia of a circular section of diameter D about its centroidal axis is given by the expression
(a) π(D)4/16
(b) π(D)4/32
(c) π(D)4/64
(d) π(D)4/4

Fill in the blanks in the following questions:

(iii) The distance of the centroid of an equilateral triangle with each side (a) is …………. From any of the three sides.

(iv) Poisson’s ratio is defined as the ratio between ……………. and…………………………

(v) If two forces of equal magnitudes P having an angle 2Ө between them, then their resultant force will be equal to ________

Match the following columns for the following two parts:

(vi) Match the column I to an entry from the column II:

COLUMN I----                            ---COLUMN II

(i) BMD of an UDL                      (a) stored strain energy per unit volume
(ii)Resilience is                            (b) brittle materials
(iii) Bulk Modulus                        (c) parabolic in nature
(iv) YieldPoint                             (d) volumetric stress and strain
                                                  (e) Ductile materials
                                                  (f) Shear stress

(vii) Match the Following columns:

COLUMN I  ------------------       COLUMN II

(i) Square of side b                                              (p) π b4 / 64

(ii) Equilateral Triangle of side b                           (q) b4 / 12

(iii) Circle of diameter b                                       (r) b4/ 36

(iv) Isosceles right angle triangle of base b            (s) b4/(32√3)

Column II gives the value of Moment of Inertia Ixx about a centroidal axis.

Choose correct answer for the following parts:

(viii) Statement 1:
In stress strain graph of a ductile material, yield point starts at the end of the elastic limit.
Statement 2:
At yielding point, the deformation becomes plastic by nature.

(i) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true.
(ii) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true and they are unrelated with each other
(iii) Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is false.
(iv) Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is false.

(ix) Statement 1:
It is easier to pull a body on a rough surface than to push the body on the same surface.
Statement 2:
Frictional force always depends upon the magnitude of the normal force.
(i)Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true.
(ii)Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true and they are unrelated with each other
(iii) Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is false.
(iv) Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is false.

Choose the correct word/s.
(x) Two equal and opposite force acting at different points of a rigid body
is termed as (Bending Moment/ Torque/ Couple).


Q.1) The example of Statically indeterminate structures are,

a. continuous beam,
b. cantilever beam,
c. over-hanging beam,
d. both cantilever and fixed beam.

Q.2) A redundant truss is defined by the truss satisfying the equation,
a. m = 2j - 3,
b. m < 2j + 3,
c. m > 2j - 3,
d. m > 2j + 3

Q.3) The property of a material to withstand a sudden impact or shock is called,
a. hardness                                           b. ductility,
c. toughness,                                        d. elasticity  of the material

Q.4) The ratio of the stress generated by a dynamic loading to the stress developed by the gradually applying the same load is
a) 1           b) 2               c) 3                    d) none of the above

Q.5) The ratio between the volumetric stress to the volumetric strain is called as
a. young's modulus
b. modulus of elasticity
c. rigidity modulus,
d. bulk modulus

Q.6) In a Cantilever beam, the maximum bending moment is induced at
a. at the free end
b. at the fixed end
c. at the mid span of the beam
d. none of the above

Q.7) The forces which meet at a point are called
a. collinear forces
b. concurrent forces
c. coplanar forces
d. parallel forces

Q.8) The coefficients of friction depends upon
a. nature of the surface
b. shape of the surface
c. area of the contact surface
d. weight of the body

Q.9) The variation of shear force due to a triangular load on simply supported beam is
a. uniform                                                       b. linear
c. parabolic                                                     d. cubic

Q.10) A body is on the point of sliding down an inclined plane under its own weight. If the inclination of the plane is 30 degree, then the coefficient of friction between the planes will be
a. (1/3)        b. 3            c. 1            d. 0


Q.1) Moment of Inertia of a body means
a) The resistance of the body against any movement or the tendency of movement of the body
b) The resistance of the body against any rotation of the body about a certain point
c) The force multiplied by the distance of the force from the body
d) None of these

Q.2) A truss is a
a) load bearing structure
b) framed mechanical structure
c) structure made of linkages and joints
d) all of the above

Q.3) The type of joints that can resist a moment is called as
a. roller joint                                            b. pin joint
c. hinged joint                                          d. fixed joint

Q.4) The slope of the normal stress-strain graph is equal to the
a. modulus of rigidity
b. bulk modulus
c. modulus of elasticity
d. stiffness constant.

Q.5) The shear stress in a circular shaft under torsion varies
a. linearly                                                  b. parabolically
c. hyperbolically                                        d. uniformly

Q.6) If for a material poissons ratio is 0.2 and modulus of elasticity is 200 GPa, then the value of modulus of rigidity would be
a) 100.33 GPa                                          b) 93.33 GPa
c) 83.33 GPa                                            d) 100 GPa

Q.7) If the section modulus of a beam decreases, then bending stress will
a. decrease                                   b. increase
c. remain same                             d. bending stress is independent of section modulus

Q.8) Which one of the following statements is correct?
a. Energy and work are scalars
b. Force and work are vectors
c. Energy, momentum and velocity are vectors
d. Force, momentum and velocity are scalars

Q.9) Stress may be defined as:
a. load per unit area
b. external force per unit area
c. internal resistance per unit area
d. same as pressure

Q.10) Hooke's law is valid up to the
a. yield point                                           b. elastic limit
c. proportional limit                                 d. ultimate point.


Q.1) The first law of motion provides the definition of
a. momentum                                         b. force
c. energy                                               d. acceleration

Q.2) A man in a lift will weigh more when the lift is
a. accelerated upwards
b. accelerated downwards
c. descends freely
d. lift going up is slowing down

Q.3) The motion of a bicycle wheel is
a. linear                                                   b. rotary
c. translatory                                           d. rotary as well as translatory

Q.4) A particle is moving along a circle with constant speed. The acceleration of the particle is :
a. along the circumference
b. along the tangent
c. along the radius
d. zero

Q.5) The mass moment of inertia of a thin disc of mass (m) and radius (r) about the centroidal axes is
a. (m.r2)/2                                                  b. (m.r2)/3
c. (m.r2)/4                                                  d. m.r2

Q.6) The centroid of a semi circular arc of radius r is
a. (3r)/π                                                     b. 2r/π
c. r/π                                                        d. r/(2π)

Q.7) In the method of sections for trusses, the section must be passed so as to cut not more than
a. two members
b. three members
c. four members
d. five members

Q.8) When bending moment at a certain point is maximum, shear force is
a. zero b. maximum
c. minimum d. increasing

Q.9) The mass moment of inertia of a solid sphere of mass M and radius R about an diameter of the sphere will be
a. (1/5).M.R2
b. (2/5).M.R4
c. (2/5).M.R2
d. (1/5).M.R4

Q.10) In a cantilever beam of length L, a concentrated load W acts at the free end, the bending moment at the free end would be
a. W.L                              b. W.L2
c. (W.L)/2                         d. 0

Multiple Choice type Question:


1) The maximum value of frictional force that comes into play when a body tends to move on a surface called :
a) sliding friction,
b) limiting friction,
c) milling friction,
d) none of these.

2) The ratio of static friction to dynamic friction is :
a) less than 1,
b) equal to 1,
c) greater than 1,
d) none of these.

3) The angle of friction is equal to the :
a) ratio of frictional force to the normal reaction.
b) angle of inclined plane when a body tends to slide down.
c) angle of an inclined plane when a body is sliding.
d) none of these.

4) The coefficient of friction depends upon :
a) area of contact,
b) shape of the body,
c) nature of contact surfaces,
d) none of these.

5) Kinetic friction is :
a) limiting friction,
b) friction when a body is moving,
c) friction when a body is stationary,
d) none of these.



Q1) The enclosed area in the shear force diagram for a beam is the magnitude of
a) shear force
b) bending moment
c) applied load
d) bending stress.

Q2) If a particle is moving in a circular path at constant velocity on a plane, then the direction of the angular velocity will be
a) along the tangent to the circular path
b) along the radial direction
c) normal to the plane
d) none of this.

There will be 2 statements, which may be right or may be wrong, read those sentences and then choose the right choice

Q3) statement 1: Two forces act on a particle are collinear forces.
statement 2: The ratio of longitudinal strain and lateral strain is the value of poisson's ratio.

a) both of them are true
b) statement 1 is true, but statement 2 is false
c) statemen 2 is true while stateme 1 is false
d) both of them are false.