Let's first discuss about 1D and 2D objects, one by one, an 1D object is a line, practically a metallic rod will be considered as a linear, 1D object. Where as any thin plate of negligible thickness can be considered a 2D body. Suppose we have a thin metallic rectangular plate. If it is considered as a 2D rectangular area of b X h.
Let the elemental areas are at a distance x1, x2, x3, ..... xn, from Y axis and y1, y2, y3, ...yn from X axis.
The total moments produced about Y axis will be equal to the summation of all the individual moments produced by n elemental areas.
Now moment is a vector quantity and we know vectors of same kind can be added together, therefore, all the n moment vectors can be added to get a single value of Resultant Moment.
We also know this resultant moment's position vector. Let the resultant moment passes through a point G. The point through which resultant moment passes through is called Center of the Area or Centroid.
How can we find out the point G, whose coordinates are (Xg,Yg)?
As moment of an area also obeys VARIGNON'S THEOREM OF MOMENT, then sum of all the moments produced by individual elemental areas will exactly be equal to the moment produced by the total area, i.e. the resultant of all those elemental areas. Now if all the areas are added to have the resultant area which will pass through the centroid G such that it produces a moment of XgA about Y axis and YgA about X axis.
But Varignon's theorem states us that, for a vector system, resultant vector produces the moment about a point, is exactly equal to the sum of all the moments produced by all elemental areas about the same point and in the same plane. Hence, we can write now that,
Sum(a1x1+ a2x2+ + +anxn) = AXg
we can use summation sign ∑ to represent these equations,
∑aixi = (∑ai)Xg
=> Xg = (∑aixi)/((∑ai)
Sum(a1y1+ a2y2+ + +anyn) = AYg
∑aiyi = (∑ai)Yg
=> Yg = (∑aiyi)/((∑ai)
Algorithm to find out the Centroid G(Xg, Yg) of a Complex Geometric Figure.
Take a complex 2D figure like an Area or Lamina.
Try to identify the basic figures whose algebraic combination produces our problem figure, whose centroid we shall find out.
Choose a coordinate system, and make it as our frame of reference. All the distances and coordinate must be define with respect to our frame of reference.
Compute the area (ai), coordinates of their own centroid Gi (xi, yi) for each and every elemental areas. While measuring the centroids, all the measurements will be based on according to our chosen Axes.
If any particular area has to subtracted to get the complex figure, the area will be negative, where as any area addition will be positive area.
If the Centroid of the complex figure be G(Xg,Yg)then,
=> Xg = (∑aixi)/((∑ai)
=> Yg = (∑aiyi)/((∑ai)
Here G1 is the centroid of the part one where G2 is the centroid of the circular area that has to be removed where as G3 is the centroid of the triangular area that has to be removed also.
If we are asked to find moment of inertia of an area, which is nothing but the "second moment of area" then we shall have to find the centroidal moment of inertia first. Then we shall transfer the Moment of Inertia to another axis ie we shall apply parallel axis theorem to transfer moment of inertia from one axis (here centroidal axis) to another parallel axis.