Sunday 12 November 2023



In the heart of India, a festival so bright,

Diwali, the festival of life, a radiant light.

A tale unfolds of triumph and grace,

As Lord Rama returns, a joyous embrace.

On this sacred occasion, let's rejoice,

In the victory of good, let love find its voice.

Diyas aglow, their flames dance high,

Banishing darkness with a celestial sigh.

Ravana defeated, in the triumph of right,

Diwali's essence, a beacon of light.

As homes adorned, with colors so bold,

Stories of hope and warmth, forever told.

A festival of unity, families unite,

Sharing sweets and laughter under the night.

Crackers and sparklers paint the sky,

A celebration of joy, soaring high.

Oh, Diwali, a festival so grand,

Spreading love and peace across the land.

Wishing happiness to every heart,

A celebration of life's vibrant art.

To every soul, near and far,

May Diwali's glow be your guiding star.

Prosperity, health, and moments divine,

Happy Diwali, let your spirit shine!

                                                                    SUBHANKAR KARMAKAR

                                                                         November 12, 2023

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