Thursday 5 October 2023




  1. Emission of Electromagnetic Radiation by Hot Objects:
    • Hot objects emit electromagnetic radiation across a wide range of wavelengths.
    • At high temperatures, a significant portion of this radiation is in the visible region of the spectrum.
  2. Temperature and Color Emission:
    • As the temperature of an object increases, it emits different colors of light.
    • Initially, it appears dull red, then becomes progressively redder.
    • As it heats further, it emits white light and eventually blue light at very high temperatures.
  3. Temperature and Intensity:
    • The intensities of radiations at various wavelengths depend on the temperature of the emitting body.
    • Red radiation is most intense at a particular temperature, while blue radiation is more intense at another temperature.
  4. Variation Among Materials and Temperatures:
    • Objects made of different materials and kept at different temperatures emit varying amounts of radiation.
  5. Reflection, Absorption, and Transmission:
    • When an object's surface is irradiated with light, it reflects some, absorbs some, and transmits some of the radiant energy.
    • This happens because ordinary objects are generally imperfect absorbers of radiation.
  6. Black Body Radiation:
    • An ideal body that emits and absorbs radiation uniformly across all frequencies is called a black body.
    • The radiation emitted by a black body is termed black body radiation.
  7. Practical Black Bodies:
    • In reality, there is no perfect black body, but materials like carbon black come close.
    • A good approximation to a black body is a cavity with a tiny hole, which allows radiation to enter and eventually be absorbed by the cavity walls.
  8. Black Body Properties:
    • A black body is a perfect radiator of radiant energy.
    • It is in thermal equilibrium with its surroundings, emitting the same amount of energy per unit area as it absorbs.
  9. Dependence on Temperature:
    • The intensity and spectral distribution of radiation from a black body depend solely on its temperature.
    • As temperature increases, the intensity of radiation increases with shorter wavelengths dominating.
  10. Maxima and Temperature:
    • The curve representing intensity vs. wavelength reaches a maximum value at a particular wavelength.
    • As temperature increases, this peak wavelength (maxima) shifts towards shorter wavelengths.

  11. Predicting Radiation:
    • Numerous attempts have been made to predict the intensity of radiation as a function of wavelength for black bodies.

Hot objects emit electromagnetic radiation, and their color and intensity depend on their temperature. While an ideal black body is a perfect radiator and absorber, practical approximations exist. The spectral distribution of radiation from a black body is determined solely by its temperature, with higher temperatures leading to shorter-wavelength radiation. This phenomenon is the basis of black body radiation theory, which has been subject to various attempts at prediction and modeling.



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