Friday, 6 July 2012



When a material is subjected to an external force, it will either totally comply with that force and be pushed away, like a liquid or powder, or it will set up internal forces to oppose those applied from outside. Solid materials generally act rather like a spring – when stretched or compressed, the internal forces come into play, as is easily seen when the spring is released.

A material subjected to external forces that tend to stretch it is said to be in tension, whereas forces which squeeze the material put it in compression.

An important aspect is not so much the size of the force, as how much force is applied per unit of cross-sectional area. The term ‘stress’, symbol σ (Greek letter sigma), is used for the force per unit area, and has the units of pascals (Pa) with 1Pa being one newton per square metre.

Because the reference area is so large, it is normally necessary to use high multiples such as the megapascal (MPa = 106 Pa) and gigapascal (GPa = 109 Pa). However, when we bear in mind that, in electronics, the area over which forces are applied is generally very much smaller, it is useful to keep in mind that one MPa is equivalent to a force of 1 newton applied on a square millimetre of area.


A material in tension or compression changes in length, and the change in length compared to the original length is referred to as the ‘strain’, symbol ε (Greek letter epsilon). Since strain is a ratio of two lengths it has no units and is frequently expressed as a percentage: a strain of 0.005 corresponds to a ½% change of the original length.


As you know from a spring, if you gradually stretch it, the force needed increases, but the material springs back to its original shape when the force is released. Materials which react in the same way as a spring are said to be ‘elastic’. Typically if we measure the extension of different forces and plot the graph of this, we will find that the extension is proportional to the force applied. Materials that obey Hooke’s Law exhibit a linear relationship between the strain and the applied stress (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Stress-strain graph for an elastic solid

Many metals follow Hooke’s Law until a certain level of stress has been applied, after which the material will distort more severely. The point at which straight line behaviour ceases is called the limit of proportionality: beyond this the material will not spring back to its original shape, and is said to exhibit some plastic behaviour (Figure 2). The stress at which the material starts to exhibit permanent deformation is called the elastic limit or yield point.

Figure 2: Stress-strain graph for a typical metal

As Figure 2 shows, if the stress is increased beyond the yield point the sample will eventually break. The term (ultimate) tensile strength is used for the maximum value of tensile stress that a material can withstand without breaking, and is calculated at the maximum tensile force divided by the original cross-sectional area.

Note that there may be substantial differences between the stress at the yield point and on breaking – for example, one source quotes the ‘ultimate tensile strength’ for AISI304 stainless steel as 505 MPa, and the ‘yield tensile strength’ as 215 MPa. For most engineering purposes, metals are regarded as having failed once they have yielded, and are normally loaded at well below the yield point.

With some materials, including mild steel, the stress/strain graph shows a noticeable dip beyond the elastic limit, where the strain (the effect of the load) increases without any need to increase the load. The material is said to have ‘yielded’, and the point at which this occurs is the yield point. Materials such as aluminium alloys on the other hand don’t show a noticeable yield point, and it is usual to specify a ‘proof’ test. As shown in Figure 3, the 0.2% proof strength is obtained by drawing a line parallel to the straight line part of the graph, but starting at a strain of 0.2%.

Figure 3: Stress-strain graph for an aluminium alloy


As you will appreciate from the shapes of Figure 2 and Figure 3, the slope of the stress/strain graph varies with stress, so we generally take only the slope of the initial straight-line portion. The stress/strain ratio is referred to as the modulus of elasticity or Young’s Modulus. The units are those of stress, since strain has no units. Engineering materials frequently have a modulus of the order of 109Pa, which is usually expressed as GPa. 

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Metals crystal structure

Fundamentals of metals

There are two main forms of solid substance, characterizing different atoms arrangement in their microstructures:

Amorphous solid
Crystalline solid

Amorphous solid

Amorphous solid substance does not possess long-range order of atoms positions. Some liquids when cooled become more and more viscous and then rigid, retaining random atom characteristic distribution.

This state is called undercooled liquid or amorphous solid. Common glass, most of Polymers, glues and some of Ceramics are amorphous solids. Some of the Metals may be prepared in amorphous solid form by rapid cooling from molten state.

Crystalline solid

Crystalline solid substance is characterized by atoms arranged in a regular pattern, extending in all three dimensions. The crystalline structure is described in terms of crystal lattice, which is a lattice with atoms or ions attached to the lattice points. The smallest possible part of crystal lattice, determining the structure, is called primitive unit cell.

Examples of typical crystal lattice are presented in the picture:

Metal crystal structure and specific metal properties are determined by metallic bonding – force, holding together the atoms of a metal. Each of the atoms of the metal contributes its valence electrons to the crystal lattice, forming an electron cloud or electron “gas”, surrounding positive metal ions. These free electrons belong to the whole metal crystal.

Ability of the valence free electrons to travel throughout the solid explains both the high electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity of metals.
Other specific metal features are: luster or shine of their surface (when polished), their malleability (ability to be hammered) and ductility (ability to be drawn).
These properties are also associated with the metallic bonding and presence of free electrons in the crystal lattice.

The following elements are common metals:

aluminum(Al), barium(Ba), beryllium(Be), bismuth(Bi), cadmium(Cd), calcium(Ca), cerium(Ce), cesium(Cs), chromium(Cr), cobalt(Co), copper(Cu), gold(Au), indium(In), iridium(Ir), iron(Fe), lead(Pb), lithium(Li), magnesium(Mg), manganese(Mn), mercury(Hg), molybdenum(Mo), nickel(Ni), osmium(Os), palladium(Pd), platinum(Pt), potassium(K), radium(Ra), rhodium(Rh), silver(Ag), sodium(Na), tantalum(Ta), thallium(Tl), thorium(Th), tin(Sn), titanium(Ti), tungsten(W), uranium(U), vanadium(V), zinc(Zn).

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Private Engineering Colleges in Ghaziabad: Will They Survive?

There are some very good Engineering colleges in and around Ghaziabad. These colleges not only topped the annual ranks of formerly UPTU or its later avatars GBTU and MTU, but during these periods they have curved a niche for themselves.

There are colleges like Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College or AKGEC, ABES, KIET, RKGIT and IMSEC in Ghaziabad which are doing good in imparting Technical Education and already established a brand name in this arena. They draw fair numbers of students every year but there are other colleges which are practically starving due to the lack of students as well as quality students.

The second rung colleges in Ghaziabad:

All the engineering colleges in Western UP (including NCRs ie. Ghaziabad, Noida and Greater Noida) are affiliated to the Mahamaya Technical University, Noida. There are several good colleges in Ghaziabad like Ideal Institute of Technology in Govindpuram, VIET in Dadri, BBDIT in Meerat Road, Sunderdeep Engineering College in Dasna are as good as the private colleges of Karnataka. Then there are VITS, SGIT, LKEC near Jindal Nagar, SIET and RKGEC in Pilakhuwa.

The last rung colleges are the newly established colleges like Bhagwati Institute of Technology in Masuri, Aryan Institute of Technology, Jindal Nagar, Bhagwant Institute of Technology, MAIT in near Jindal Nagar, Satyam, ICE in Pilakhuwa. The problem they are suffering is the lack of students. Last year many seats remained vacant, even the concerned colleges offered more than 15% in commission, still number of students getting admission was very low.

Last year the scenario was very grim, many colleges were finding tough to pay the salaries to their employees. Moreover, as the number of quality students dwindled over the passage of time, pass rate also plunged dramatically.

Just imagine the predicament of the colleges here, in one side the students of the subsequent batches are coming more dull and blunt where as the syllabus has been being modified every third year and every new syllabus is tougher than its previous versions. So, can you guess the outcome? Yes, rapidly falling over all pass rate and the fall of the ranks of these poor colleges. The cascading effects of these events are the sharp fall of the revenue earned by these colleges which in turn makes them unable to pay good salary to its employees which again becomes the cause of mass exodus of the good teachers to the cash rich colleges of Greater Noida and as a result the survival of these colleges gradually becomes tougher. It's a vicious trap and none of the colleges know how to deal with the situation.

Introduction To the Combustion of Fuels


Principle of Combustion:

Combustion is the conversion of a substance called a fuel into chemical compounds
known as products of combustion by combination with an oxidizer. The combustion
process is an exothermic chemical reaction, i.e., a reaction that releases energy as it

Thus combustion may be represented symbolically by:
Fuel + Oxidizer = Products of combustion + Energy

Here the fuel and the oxidizer are reactants, i.e., the substances present before the
reaction takes place. This relation indicates that the reactants produce combustion
products and energy. Either the chemical energy released is transferred to the
surroundings as it is produced, or it remains in the combustion products in the form of
elevated internal energy (temperature), or some combination thereof.

Fuels are evaluated, in part, based on the amount of energy or heat that they
release per unit mass or per mole during combustion of the fuel. Such a quantity is
known as the fuel’s heat of reaction or heating value.

Heats of reaction may be measured in a calorimeter, a device in which chemical
energy release is determined by transferring the released heat to a surrounding fluid.
The amount of heat transferred to the fluid in returning the products of combustion to
their initial temperature yields the heat of reaction.

In combustion processes the oxidizer is usually air but could be pure oxygen, an
oxygen mixture, or a substance involving some other oxidizing element such as
fluorine. Here we will limit our attention to combustion of a fuel with air or pure

Chemical fuels exist in gaseous, liquid, or solid form. Natural gas, gasoline, and
coal, perhaps the most widely used examples of these three forms, are each a complex
mixture of reacting and inert compounds. We will consider each more closely later in
the chapter. First let’s review some important fundamentals of mixtures of gases, such
as those involved in combustion reactions.

Therefore, combustion refers to the rapid oxidation of fuel accompanied by the production of heat, or heat and light. Complete combustion of a fuel is possible only in the presence of an adequate supply of oxygen.

Oxygen (O2) is one of the most common elements on earth making up 20.9% of our air. Rapid fuel oxidation results in large amounts of heat. Solid or liquid fuels must be changed to a gas before they will burn. Usually heat is required to change liquids or solids into gases. Fuel gases will burn in their normal state if enough air is present.
Most of the 79% of air (that is not oxygen) is nitrogen, with traces of other elements. Nitrogen is considered to be a temperature reducing dilutant that must be present to obtain the oxygen required for combustion.

Nitrogen reduces combustion efficiency by absorbing heat from the combustion of fuels and diluting the flue gases. This reduces the heat available for transfer through the heat exchange surfaces. It also increases the volume of combustion by-products, which then have to travel through the heat exchanger and up the stack faster to allow the introduction of additional fuel air mixture.

This nitrogen also can combine with oxygen (particularly at high flame temperatures) to produce oxides of nitrogen (NOx), which are toxic pollutants.

Carbon, hydrogen and sulphur in the fuel combine with oxygen in the air to form carbon dioxide, water vapour and sulphur dioxide, releasing 8084 kcals, 28922 kcals & 2224 kcals of heat respectively.

Under certain conditions, Carbon may also combine with Oxygen to form Carbon Monoxide, which results in the release of a smaller quantity of heat (2430 kcals/kg of carbon) Carbon burned to CO2 will produce more heat per pound of fuel than when CO or smoke are produced.

C + O2 → CO2 + 8084 kCals/kg of Carbon

2C + O2 → 2 CO + 2430 kCals/kg of Carbon

2H2 + O2 → 2H2O + 28,922 kCals/kg of Hydrogen

S + O2 → SO2 + 2,224 kCals/kg of Sulphur

3 T’s of Combustion:

The objective of good combustion is to release all of the heat in the fuel. This is accomplished by controlling the "three T's" of combustion which are
  1. Temperature high enough to ignite and maintain ignition of the fuel,
  2. Turbulence or intimate mixing of the fuel and oxygen, and
  3. Time sufficient for complete combustion.
Commonly used fuels like natural gas and propane generally consist of carbon and hydrogen. Water vapor is a by-product of burning hydrogen. This robs heat from the flue gases, which would otherwise be available for more heat transfer.

Natural gas contains more hydrogen and less carbon per kg than fuel oils and as such produces more water vapor. Consequently, more heat will be carried away by exhaust while firing natural gas.

Too much, or too little fuel with the available combustion air may potentially result in unburned fuel and carbon monoxide generation. A very specific amount of O2 is needed for perfect combustion and some additional (excess) air is required for ensuring complete combustion. However, too much excess air will result in heat and efficiency losses.

Not all of the heat in the fuel are converted to heat and absorbed by the steam generation equipment. Usually all of the hydrogen in the fuel is burned and most boiler fuels, allowable with today's air pollution standards, contain little or no sulfur. So the main challenge in combustion efficiency is directed toward unburned carbon (in the ash or incompletely burned gas), which forms CO instead of CO2.

                                                                                                                             Subhankar Karmakar

Sunday, 15 April 2012


                                                                   Paper Code: EME-402

B.  Tech - ME
(SEM.IV) Sessional Examination, 2011 – 12
Applied Thermodynamics
Time:   3hrs                        Total Marks:  100
    Note:   (1)           Attempt all questions.
         (2)  Be precise in your answer.
Q.1: Answer the following questions as per the instructions.           
 (i) What is the importance of feed pump in steam engine?

(ii) What is reversible adiabatic process?

(iii) Explain the term isothermal compressibility?

(iv) What is missing quantity?

(v) What is Work Ratio in Carnot vapour cycle?

(vi) Explain the term “Specific steam consumption.”

(vii) What is thermal efficiency of a steam engine?

(viii) What is indicated power?

(ix) What is mean effective pressure of a steam engine?

(x) What is inversion temperature?

Q.2: Answer any three parts of the followings:     
a) Derive the Tds equations.

b) Derive the expressions of mass discharge of steam through a Nozzle.

c) A single cylinder double acting steam engine is supplied with dry and saturated steam at 11.5 bar and exhaust occur at 1.1 bar. The cut-off occurs at 40% of the stroke. If the stroke equals 1.25 times the cylinder bore and engine develops 60 kW at 90 rev/min. Determine the bore and the stroke of the engine. (Assume hyperbolic expansion and diagram factor of 0.79.)
Also calculate the theoretical steam consumption

d) Dry saturated steam enters a steam nozzle at a pressure of 12 bar and is discharged at a pressure of 1.5 bar. If the dryness factor of the discharged steam is 0.95, what would be the final velocity of the steam? Neglect initial velocity of steam.
If 12% heat drop is lost in friction, find the % reduction in the final velocity.

Q.3: Answer any two parts of the following: 
a) Explain the term “Joule-Thomson coefficient.”

b) With proper diagrams explain the term nozzle efficiency.

c) Explain the Clausius Clapeyron equation. Also write their field of application.

Q.4: Answer any one part of the following:   
a) Explain the effect of velocity and pressure in the flow of a nozzle. What is a choked flow? Also explain the concept of critical pressure in isentropic flow through nozzle.

b) Steam at a pressure of 20 bar, 250°C expands in a convergent-divergent nozzle up to the exit pressure of 2 bar. Assuming a nozzle efficiency of 0.94 for supersaturated flow up to the throat and nozzle efficiency as 90%, find (i) velocity at throat, (ii) mass flow rate if the throat diameter is 1 cm and (iii) velocity and diameter of the nozzle.

Q.5: Answer any three questions: 
a) Derive the Maxwell’s Equations

b) Prove that Cp - CV = -T(∂V/∂T)p2(∂p/∂V)T.

c) Steam at a pressure of 10 bar, dry saturated enters the nozzle when exit pressure is 0.3 bar. The nozzle efficiency for the convergent position is 96% and that of the divergent portion is 92%. The throat diameter for each nozzle is 6 mm. Find the mass flow rate of steam and the exit diameter required.

d) Air enters a nozzle at 5 bar, 350°C and comes out at 0.95 bar. The efficiency of expansion through the nozzle is 92%. If the mass flow rate of air is 1.5 kg/s, determine the exit diameter of the nozzle and velocity of air at exit.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012



Modern welding technology started just before the end of the 19th century with the development of methods for generating high temperature in localized zones. Welding generally requires a heat source to produce a high temperature zone to melt the material, though it is possible to weld two metal pieces without much increase in temperature. There are different methods and standards adopted and there is still a continuous search for new and improved methods of welding. As the demand for welding new materials and larger thickness components increases, mere gas flame welding which was first known to the welding engineer is no longer satisfactory and improved methods such as Metal Inert Gas welding, Tungsten Inert Gas welding, electron and laser beam welding have been developed. In most welding procedures metal is melted to bridge the parts to be joined so that on solidification of the weld metal the parts become united. The common processes of this type are grouped as fusion welding. Heat must be supplied to cause the melting of the filler metal and the way in which this is achieved is the major point of distinction between the different processes. The method of protecting the hot metal from the attack by the atmosphere and the cleaning or fluxing away of contaminating surface films and oxides provide the second important distinguishing feature. For example, welding can be carried out under a shield comprising of a mixture of metal oxides and silicates which produce a glass-like flux, or the whole weld area may be swept clear of air by a stream of gas such as argon, helium or carbon dioxide which is harmless to the hot metals.

There are certain solid phase joining methods in which there is no melting of the electrodes, though heat is produced in the process. The melted and solidified cast metal is normally weaker than the wrought metal of the same composition. In the solid phase joining such melting does not occur and hence the method can produce joints of high quality. Metals which are dissimilar in nature can also be readily welded by this process. In the normal process joining of dissimilar metals will present problems because of the brittle intermetallic compounds formed during melting. Since the work pieces are closely pressed together, air is excluded during the joining process.

The welding processes those we shall discuss are gas welding, arc welding which includes manual metal arc welding (MMA), tungsten inert gas shielded arc welding (TIG), gas metal arc welding (MIG, MIG/CO2), submerged arc welding (SAW), etc. High energy density processes like electron beam welding, laser beam welding, plasma welding are also dealt with. Pressure welding and some special welding techniques like electro-slag welding etc. are also be discussed in detail.

Gas welding
  • oxygen-acetylene welding
Fusion arc welding
  • Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)
  • Submerged arc welding (SAW)
  • Flux cored arc welding (FCAW)
  • Gas shielded arc welding (MIG, TIG)
    1. MIG welding (gas metal arc welding)
    2. Pulsed MIG welding
    3. Hot wire MIG
    4. Plasma MIG
    5. TIG welding
    6. Pulsed TIG welding
    7. Hot wire TIG
    8. Spot TIG

Electrical method
  • Electric resistance welding
(a)   spot welding
(b)   seam welding,
(c)    projection welding,
(d)   upset butt welding and
(e)    flash butt welding
  • Electro-slag welding (ESW)
  • Induction pressure welding
Energy method
  • Electron beam welding (EBW)
  • Laser beam welding
  • Plasma welding

Special methods
  • Explosive welding (EW)
  • Friction welding
  • Diffusion bonding

Though the different processes have their own advantages and limitations and are required for special and specific applications, manual metal arc welding continues to enjoy the dominant position in terms of total weld metal deposited. The TIG process produces the finest quality weld on all weldable metals and alloys. The arc temperature may be upto 20,000 K. Although TIG welding produces the highest quality welds, it is a slow and expensive process. Metal inert gas welding process (MIG) is economical with consumable electrode fed at a predetermined rate.

Plasma arc welding (PAW) has made substantial progress in utilising the high heat energy of an ionised gas stream. The jet temperature can be as high as 50,000 K. Foils down to a thickness of 0.01 mm can also be welded in this process and hence this process is more useful in electronic and instrumentation applications.

All the processes like TIG, MIG and PAW can be successfully used for either  Semi-automatic or automatic applications. But they are all open arc processes where radiation and comparatively poor metal recovery put a limit on using high currents. High productivity and good quality welds can be achieved by submerged arc welding process with weld flux and wire continuously fed. The slag provides the shielding of the weld pool with provision for addition of alloying elements whenever necessary.

Electron beam welding and laser welding are classified under high energy density processes.

For efficient welding the power source should provide controlled arc characteristic necessary for a particular job. In one case a forceful deeply penetrating arc may be required, while in another case, a soft less penetrating arc may be necessary to avoid ``burn through''. The welding process will also require a particular type of power source.
 Table 1.1 gives the power source required for widely used welding process.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012


What is Arc Welding?
Arc welding is a method of joining two pieces of metal into one solid piece. To do this, the heat of an electric arc is concentrated on the edges of two pieces of metal to be joined. The metal melts, while the edges are still molten, additional melted metal is added. This molten mass then cools and solidifies into one solid piece.

Welding Consumables

Stick Electrode A short stick of welding filler metal consisting of a core of bare electrode covered by chemical or metallic materials that provide shielding of the welding arc against the surrounding air. It also completes the electrical circuit, thereby creating the arc. (Also known as SMAW, or Stick Metal Arc Welding.) Basic Welding Terms
MIG Wire
 Like a stick electrode, MIG wire completes the electrical circuit creating the arc, but it is continually fed through a welding gun from a spool or drum. MIG wire is a solid, non-coated wire and receives shielding from a mixture of gases. (Process is also known as GMAW, or Gas Metal Arc Welding.)
Basic Welding Terms
Cored Wire (Flux-Cored Wire)
 Cored wire is similar to MIG wire in that it is spooled filler metal for continuous welding. However, Cored wire is not solid, but contains flux internally (chemical & metallic materials) that provides shielding. Gas is often not required for shielding. (Process is also known as FCAW, or Flux-Cored Arc Welding.)
Basic Welding Terms
Submerged Arc 
A bare metal wire is used in conjunction with a separate flux. Flux is a granular composition of chemical and metallic materials that shields the arc. The actual point of metal fusion, and the arc, is submerged within the flux. (Process is also known as SAW, or Submerged Arc Welding.)
Basic Welding Terms 
Stainless Steel
Stainless steel electrodes and wire are used for welding applications where corrosion resistance is required. Stainless steel consumables are designed to match the composition of stainless steel base metals.
Basic Welding Terms 

A stick of electrode or cored wire that is designed not to fuse two pieces of metal together, but to add a layer of surface metal to a work-piece in order to reduce wear. An example of this is the shovel on an excavator.
Basic Welding Terms 
Welding Equipment

Stick Welders Heating the coated stick electrode and the base metal with an arc creates fusion of metals. An AC and/or DC electrical current is produced by this machine to create the heat needed. An electrode holder handles stick electrodes and a ground clamp completes the circuit. Basic Welding Terms
TIG Welders 
A less intense current produces a finer, more aesthetically pleasing weld appearance. A tungsten electrode (non-consumable) is used to carry the arc to the workpiece. Filler metals are sometimes supplied with a separate electrode. Gas is used for shielding. (Process is also known as GTAW, or Gas Tungsten Arc Welding.)
Basic Welding Terms
MIG Welders and Multi-Process Welders
Constant Voltage and Constant Current welders are used for MIG welding and are a semi-automated process when used in conjunction with a wire feeder. Wire is fed through a gun to the weld-joint as long as the trigger is depressed. This process is easier to operate than stick welding and provides higher productivity levels. CC/CV welders operate similarily to CC (MIG) welders except that they possess multi-process capabilities - meaning that they are capable of performing flux-cored, stick and even TIG processes as well as MIG.
Basic Welding Terms
Engine Driven Welders
Large stick or multi-process welders are able to operate independent of input power and are powered by a gasoline, diesel, or LPG engine instead. Ideal for construction sites and places where power is unavailable.
Basic Welding Terms
Wire Feeder / Welders
For MIG welding or Flux-Cored wire welding, wire feeder welders are usually complete and portable welding kits. A small built in wire feeder guides wire through the gun to the piece.
Basic Welding Terms
Semiautomatic Wire Feeders
For MIG welding or Flux-Cored welding, semiautomatic wire feeders are connected to a welding power source and are used to feed a spool of wire through the welding gun. Wire is only fed when the trigger is depressed. These units are portable.
Basic Welding Terms
Automatic Wire Feeders
For MIG, Flux-Cored, or submerged arc welding, automatic wire feeders feed a spool of wire at a constant rate to the weld joint. They are usually mounted onto a fixture in a factory/industrial setting and are used in conjunction with a separate power source.
Basic Welding Terms
Magnum Guns / Torches
MIG welding guns and TIG welding torches are hand-held welding application tools connected to both the wire feeder and power source. They direct the welding wire to the weld joint and control the wire feed with the use of a trigger mechanism.
Basic Welding Terms


Plasma Cutters
A constricted cutting arc is created by this machine, which easily slices through metals. A high velocity jet of ionized gas removes molten material from the application.
Basic Welding Terms 
Oxyfuel Gas Cutting
Oxyfuel gas cutting process involves preheating the base metal to a bright cherry red, then introducing a stream of cutting oxygen which will ignite and burn the metal.
Basic Welding Terms 

Welding Automation / Robotic Welding
Robotic Welding Systems
The combination of a robotic arm, a welding power source and a wire feeder produces welds automatically using various programs, welding fixtures and accessories.
Basic Welding Terms 
Environmental Systems
Also known as fume extraction, these systems are often incorporated into a robotic fixture to remove welding fumes natural to the process from the welding environment. Usually a vacuum unit, they can be portable or mounted onto a wall.
Basic Welding Terms