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Two Dimensional Concurrent Force Systems: Basic concepts, Units, Force systems, Laws of motion, Moment and Couple, Vectors - Vector representation of forces and moments - Vector operations. Principle of Transmissibility of forces, Resultant of a force system, Equilibrium and Equations of equilibrium, Equilibrium conditions, Free body diagrams, Determination of reaction, Resultant of two dimensional concurrent forces, Applications of concurrent forces. 8
Two Dimensional Non-Concurrent Force Systems: Basic Concept, Varignon’s theorem, Transfer of a Force to Parallel Position, Distributed force system, Types of Supports and their Reactions, Converting force into couple and vise versa. 3
Friction: Introduction, Laws of Coulomb Friction, Equilibrium of bodies involving dry-friction, Belt friction, Ladder Friction, Screw jack 3
Structure: Plane truss, Perfect and Imperfect Truss, Assumption in the Truss Analysis, Analysis of Perfect Plane Trusses by the Method of Joints, Method of Section. 4
Centroid and Moment of Inertia: Centroid of plane, curve, area, volume and composite bodies,
Moment of inertia of plane area, Parallel Axes Theorem, Perpendicular axes theorems, Mass Moment of Inertia of Circular Ring, Disc, Cylinder, Sphere and Cone about their, Axis of Symmetry. Pappus-theorems, Polar moment of inertia. 8
Kinematics of Rigid Body: Introduction, Plane Rectilinear Motion of Rigid Body, Plane Curvilinear Motion of Rigid Body, Velocity and Acceleration under Translation and Rotational Motion, Relative Velocity. 8
Kinetics of Rigid Body: Introduction, Force, Mass and Acceleration, Work and Energy, Impulse and Momentum, D’Alembert’s Principles and Dynamic Equilibrium, Friction in moving bodies. 8
Text books:
1. Engineering Mechanics Statics , J.L Meriam , Wiley
2. Engineering Mechanics Dynamics , J.L Meriam , Wiley
3. Engineering Mechanics – Statics & Dynamics by A Nelson, McGraw Hill
4. Engineering Mechanics : Statics and Dynamics, R. C. Hibbler
5. Mechanics of Solids by Abdul Mubeen, Pearson Education Asia.
6. Mechanics of Materials by E.P.Popov, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.
(Any 10 experiments of the following or such experiments suitably designed)
1. Polygon law of Co-planer forces (concurrent)
2. Bell crank lever -Jib crane
3. Support reaction for beam
4. Collision of elastic bodies(Law of conservation of momentum
5. Moment of inertia of fly wheel.
6. Screw fiction by using screw jack
7. To study the slider-crank mechanism etc. of 2-stroke & 4-stroke I.C. Engine models.
8. Friction experiment(s) on inclined plane and/or on screw-jack.
9. Simple & compound gear-train experiment.
10. Worm & worm-wheel experiment for load lifting.
11. Belt-Pulley experiment. .
12. Experiment on Trusses.
13. Statics experiment on equilibrium
14. Dynamics experiment on momentum conservation
15. Dynamics experiment on collision for determining coefficient of restitution.
16. Simple/compound pendulum