Friday 1 September 2023

Atomic Number and Mass Number and Drawbacks of the Rutherford atomic model


Atomic Number and Mass Number

Atomic Number (Z):

  • The positive charge in the nucleus is due to the presence of protons.
  • The charge on a proton is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to that of an electron.
  • The number of protons in the nucleus is called the atomic number (Z).
  • Atomic number determines the element's identity.
  • Example: Hydrogen nucleus has 1 proton, sodium atom has 11 protons, so their atomic numbers are 1 and 11, respectively.
  • To maintain electrical neutrality, the number of electrons in an atom is equal to its atomic number (Z).
  • Example: Hydrogen atom has 1 electron, sodium atom has 11 electrons.

Atomic Number (Z) Formula:

  • Atomic number (Z) = Number of protons in the nucleus = Number of electrons in a neutral atom.

Mass Number (A):

  • The mass of the nucleus is due to the presence of protons and neutrons.
  • Protons and neutrons collectively are called nucleons.
  • The total number of nucleons in the nucleus is referred to as the mass number (A) of the atom.
  • Mass number gives an approximate measure of the atom's mass.
  • Mass number (A) formula: A = Number of protons (Z) + Number of neutrons (n).

In summary, the atomic number (Z) represents the number of protons and electrons in an atom, while the mass number (A) represents the total number of nucleons (protons and neutrons) in the nucleus. These two values play a crucial role in defining an element's properties and characteristics.



  • Isobars are atoms with the same mass number (A) but different atomic numbers (Z).
  • They have different numbers of protons but the same total number of nucleons (protons and neutrons).
  • Example: 6^14C and 7^14N are isobars because they have a mass number of 14 but different atomic numbers (6 for carbon and 7 for nitrogen).


  • Isotopes are atoms with the same atomic number (Z) but different atomic mass numbers (A).
  • They have the same number of protons and electrons but differ in the number of neutrons in the nucleus.
  • The difference between isotopes is due to variations in the number of neutrons present in the nucleus.
  • Example: Hydrogen has three isotopes - protium (1^1H, 99.985%), deuterium (1^2D, 0.015%), and tritium (1^3T), with different numbers of neutrons.
  • Other examples of isotopes include carbon isotopes (6^12C, 6^13C, and 6^14C) and chlorine isotopes (17^35Cl and 17^37Cl).

Chemical Properties of Isotopes:

  • Chemical properties of atoms are primarily determined by the number of electrons.
  • The number of electrons is determined by the number of protons in the nucleus (atomic number).
  • The presence of different numbers of neutrons (as in isotopes) has very little effect on the chemical properties of an element.
  • Therefore, all isotopes of a given element exhibit the same chemical behavior, as their electron configurations are the same.

In summary, isobars have the same mass number but different atomic numbers, while isotopes have the same atomic number but different atomic mass numbers due to variations in the number of neutrons. Despite different neutron counts, isotopes of an element share identical chemical properties because these properties are primarily determined by the number of electrons, which remains constant among isotopes of the same element.

Drawbacks of the Rutherford atomic model

1. Lack of Stability:

  • The Rutherford atomic model resembles a miniature solar system, with electrons orbiting the nucleus like planets orbit the sun.
  • In classical mechanics, orbiting bodies undergo acceleration due to constantly changing direction, which implies that electrons should emit electromagnetic radiation (as per Maxwell's electromagnetic theory) while in motion.
  • The emitted radiation carries away energy from the electron's motion, causing it to lose energy and spiral into the nucleus.
  • Calculations based on classical mechanics suggest that an electron should take only 10^-8 seconds to spiral into the nucleus.
  • However, this contradicts the observed stability of atoms; electrons do not collapse into the nucleus as predicted by this model.

2. Lack of Electron Distribution and Energy Levels:

  • The Rutherford model does not provide any information about the distribution of electrons around the nucleus or their energy levels.
  • It does not explain the specific orbits or energy states that electrons occupy within the atom.
  • Without information about electron distribution and energy levels, it cannot account for the discrete line spectra observed in the emission and absorption of light by atoms.

3. Incompatibility with Electromagnetic Theory:

  • The model's assumption that electrons move in well-defined orbits and emit radiation contradicts electromagnetic theory, which predicts radiation emission when charged particles accelerate.
  • Planets in the solar system do not emit radiation because they are uncharged, unlike electrons in atoms.

4. Failure to Explain Atom's Stability:

  • The Rutherford model fails to explain why electrons do not quickly spiral into the nucleus, given the predicted emission of radiation and energy loss.

5. Static Electron Model Not Viable:

  • Considering stationary electrons around the nucleus would lead to electrostatic attraction pulling electrons into the nucleus, resulting in a model similar to Thomson's plum pudding model, which was also flawed.

In summary, the Rutherford model has significant limitations, including its inability to account for the stability of atoms, lack of information about electron distribution and energy levels, and its incompatibility with electromagnetic theory regarding radiation emission by accelerating charged particles. These drawbacks ultimately led to the development of more accurate atomic models, such as the Bohr model and quantum mechanics, which successfully explain atomic behavior and spectral lines.


1. Dual Nature of Electromagnetic Radiation:

  • Electromagnetic radiation, such as light, was observed to exhibit a dual nature, possessing both wave-like and particle-like properties.
  • Wave-like properties included phenomena like interference and diffraction, where light waves showed patterns of constructive and destructive interference.
  • Particle-like properties were evident in the photoelectric effect, where light striking certain materials caused the emission of electrons with discrete energies.
  • This dual character of radiation challenged the classical understanding of atomic structure based on continuous orbits and raised questions about the nature of atomic spectra.

2. Atomic Spectra Experiments:

  • Experimental observations of atomic spectra played a crucial role in the development of Bohr's model.
  • Scientists had observed that when elements were heated or subjected to electrical discharges, they emitted light in specific and discrete wavelengths or colors.
  • These observations were contrary to the classical expectation, which predicted a continuous spectrum.
  • The spectral lines were observed to be unique to each element, acting as a kind of "fingerprint" for each element.
  • The observed spectral lines couldn't be explained by Rutherford's atomic model, which lacked specific electron energy levels and quantization.

Niels Bohr used these two key developments to propose his atomic model, which incorporated the quantization of electron energy levels and explained the discrete line spectra observed in atomic emission and absorption. This laid the foundation for the modern understanding of atomic structure and quantum mechanics.

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