Thursday 17 July 2014


House No: 237; Sector – 5; Chiranjeev Vihar, Ghaziabad
                     Contact No : #9555921800
Difficulty Level: 1
SET ONE: Each question has several entries, choose the most appropriate one

01) Gas laws are applicable to
            a) Gases as well as vapours     b) Gases alone and not applicable to vapours
            c) Gases and Steam                  d) Gases and Superheated vapours

02) An ideal gas compared to a real gas at very high pressures occupies
            a) more volume           b) less volume            
c) same volume           d) can’t be predicted

03) Temperature of a gas is produced due to
            a) its heating value                   b) kinetic energy of the molecules
            c) molecular vibration              d) inter-molecular attractions

04)  According to kinetic theory of gases, the absolute zero temperature is attained when
            a) volume of the gas is zero                             b) pressure of the gas is zero
            c) kinetic energy of the molecule is zero                     d)  specific heat is zero 

05)  The quantity δQ – δW; where δQ is elemental heat transfer and δW is the elemental work    
transfer is
            a) path function                       b) point function
            c) cyclic function                     d) in-exact differential

06)  The workdone in an adiabatic process between a given pair of end states depends on
            a) the values of the endstates only,      b) the end states and specific heat ratio  γ
            c) the end states and polytropic index n,          d) none of the above.

07)  If the value of polytropic index n is high, then the compressor work between given pressure limits will be
            a) less                                      b) more
            c) no effect                              d) zero

08)  A perfect gas at 27oC is heated at constant pressure till its volume becomes double. The final temperature will be
            a) 54oC                                    b) 327oC
            c) 108oC                                  d) 600oC
09)  Mixing of ice and water at 0oC at atmospheric pressure is an example of
            a) reversible process                b) irreversible process
            c) quasi-static process              d) isentropic process
10)  Change in enthalpy in a closed system is equal to heat transferred if the reversible process takes place at constant
            a) pressure                               b) temperature

            c) volume                                d) entropy

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